If you’re thinking about using those handy free business card layouts which have the little note on the back stating, “Free Business cards available at…” Think again.
Not only are you wasting valuable space by using free business card layouts with that note on the back (the back of the business card can be super helpful to use for a call to action getting people to your site, calling you, etc…), but think about the impression you’re leaving on other business owners when you hand them a card like that…
When someone hands you a a business card which was created with using one of the ever so popular free business card layouts hanging out around the Internet, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
I’m sure that there are a LOT of things that come to mind when you see those free business card layouts being used, but the most common is probably, “Wow, they must not be doing so great if they’re using free business card layouts,” OR you may think they aren’t great at marketing their business, they don’t know what they’re doing, they just launched their business and aren’t too reputable yet, or more.
There are a ton of sites and other free resources out there that can help guide you as to what you should be putting on your business card. You can even check out a recent article I wrote on the topic.
You want to look professional and you want other professional to keep you in high regard as someone they can come to when they need help or as someone they can refer people to! Plus, you want customers and consumers to visit your website or store to buy your products or services, so don’t let free business card layouts keep you from being professional!